Workshop/Collaborative Research: 2019 NSF Engineering CAREER Proposal Writing Workshop
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This award supports the organization of a National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Proposal Writing Workshop. The workshop will be held in Arlington, Virginia on April 1-2, 2019, and it is expected that there will be about 300 attendees. The workshop will take place over one-and-a-half days and will include interactive sessions on good proposal writing practices, seminars by previous CAREER awardees, a mock CAREER proposal panel review, and a review session during which the attendees will have a chance to obtain feedback on project summaries of their own draft CAREER proposals. The attendees will also have an opportunity to interact with current NSF Program Directors both in one-on-one and in mock panel sessions. This workshop will help to prepare CAREER program eligible faculty for careers in education and research by giving them tools and skills of good proposal writing for submissions to the CAREER program as well as core NSF programs. The objectives of the workshop include training for junior faculty with an emphasis on women and underrepresented minorities in engineering. A special additional emphasis will be placed on encouraging CAREER program eligible faculty from non-"Research-1" institutions to apply for participation. The workshop will serve as an introduction NSF for many new researchers. The workshop will help participants to clarify their research and education career plans and to understand the need to clearly articulate these plans to external reviewers. In addition, the workshop includes mock panel sessions to give participants the experience of simulated panel evaluation discussions. All of the content and experiences will help attendees enrich their skills of writing successful research proposals for impactful research that benefits societal needs. This award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.