Texas Women in Mathematics Symposium (TWIMS)
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This award supports participation of The Texas Women in Mathematics Symposium (TWIMS) which will be held on February 1-2 2020 at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. The aim of TWIMS is to highlight the research of women mathematicians in Texas, to strengthen the network of Texas-based women mathematicians, to provide a supportive platform for women mathematicians to present their work. This is the fourth TWIMS conference, following events held at the University of Texas at Austin, Sam Houston State University, and the University of Houston.The primary aims of TWIMS at Texas A&M University are: to showcase the research of women mathematicians in Texas; to strengthen the network of Texas-based women mathematicians; to provide a supportive platform for women mathematicians to present their work; to explore issues surrounding being a woman in mathematics; to find collaborators and mentors and begin long-lasting professional relationships. Conference details can be found at http://awm.math.tamu.edu/twims2020.htmlThis award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.