Workshop: Blue Skies Manufacturing Workshop at the 2019 MSEC/NAMRC; Erie, Pennsylvania; June 10-14, 2019
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This award provides funds to continue the "Blue Skies Manufacturing Workshop" during North America''s largest manufacturing conference - the co-located 2019 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC) sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the 47th Annual North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC) sponsored by the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. This conference will take place from June 10-14, 2019 and is hosted by Pennsylvania State University, Erie, Pennsylvania. This is the ideal venue for the workshop, which is designed to identify bold visions for the manufacturing sector more than ten years in the future, and to identify the required basic research needed to achieve that bold vision. These two leading conferences in the manufacturing engineering field act as global bridges between industries, government laboratories, and academic institutions. Blue Skies Activities will include: 1) Brief introductory presentations by Workshop organizers and others; 2) Presentations by 6-8 manufacturing thought leaders; 3) Interactions among workshop participants, NSF program directors, Manufacturing thought leaders, and staff of the interagency Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office. The speakers will be selected from one-page abstracts and their travel to the workshop will be supported by this award. A panel of judges will evaluate the presentations and decide upon a winner. The Society of Manufacturing Engineers continues to award the David Dornfeld Manufacturing Vision Award to the best presentation. The workshop, expected to be attended by at least 100 attendees of the conference, is intended to be the annual event that will help articulate and develop a broad manufacturing vision, and to catalyze support for that vision. The vision will be a useful resource for policy makers, federal funding agencies, companies developing their own manufacturing strategies, university researchers, and others.The support will cover (1) the registration fees, and (2) the travel fees for the speakers and PIs. The call for abstracts is disseminated through the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; the submitted applications go through a selection process by the conference committee. The highest rated applications will be invited to give full presentations. After the conference, a summary of the Blue Skies visions will be published as a North American Manufacturing Research Institute white paper.This award reflects NSF''s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation''s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.