publication venue for
- Photoperiod associated late flowering reaction norm: Dissecting loci and genomic-enviromic associated prediction in maize. 311:109380-109380. 2024
- Integration of Genomics with Crop Modeling for Predicting Rice Days to Flowering: A Multi-Model Analysis. 276:108394-108394. 2022
- Modeling the impacts of cover crops and no-tillage on soil health and cotton yield in an irrigated cropping system of the Texas Rolling Plains. 287:108661-108661. 2022
- Reevaluation of calcium source for runner-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). 277:108402-108402. 2022
- Uptake and timing of calcium in runner peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). 277:108429-108429. 2022
- Potential genotype-based climate change adaptation strategies for sustaining cotton production in the Texas High Plains: A simulation study. 271:108261-108261. 2021
- Ensemble modelling of carbon fluxes in grasslands and croplands. 252:107791-107791. 2020
- Growth, productivity and grain quality of AG1 and AG2 QTLs introgression lines under flooding in direct-seeded rice system. 248:107713-107713. 2020
- Does crop rotation yield more in China? A meta-analysis. 245:107659-107659. 2020
- Determination of a plant population density threshold for optimizing cotton lint yield: A synthesis. 230:11-16. 2019
- Yield determination in winter wheat under different water regimes. 233:80-87. 2019
- Canopy temperature, yield, and harvest index of corn as affected by planting geometry in a semi-arid environment. 227:110-118. 2018
- Agronomic manipulations can enhance the productivity of anaerobic tolerant rice sown in flooded soils in rainfed areas. 220:105-116. 2018
- Canopy temperature depression at grain filling correlates to winter wheat yield in the US Southern High Plains. 217:11-19. 2018
- Estimating alfalfa yield and nutritive value using remote sensing and air temperature. 222:189-196. 2018
- Yield and water use of drought-tolerant maize hybrids in a semiarid environment. 216:1-9. 2018
- Effects of different controlled-release nitrogen fertilisers on ammonia volatilisation, nitrogen use efficiency and yield of blanket-seedling machine-transplanted rice. 205:147-156. 2017
- Constraints on water use efficiency of drought tolerant maize grown in a semi-arid environment. 186:66-77. 2016
- Yield gap analysis of US rice production systems shows opportunities for improvement. 196:276-283. 2016
- Variance components and heritability of biomass yield in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) grown in the Southern Great Plains. 168:148-155. 2014
- High-parent heterosis for biomass yield in photoperiod-sensitive sorghum hybrids. 167:153-158. 2014
- Inter-relationships of cotton plant height, canopy width, ground cover and plant nitrogen status indicators. 169:58-69. 2014
- A multi-environment trial analysis shows slight grain yield improvement in Texas commercial maize. 149:167-176. 2013
- A new genetic linkage map of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) facilitates genetic dissection of height and spike length and angle. 154:91-99. 2013
- Estimating the relative effects of the endosperm traits of waxy and high protein digestibility on yield in grain sorghum. 139:57-62. 2012
- Monitoring regional wheat yield in Southern Spain using the GRAMI model and satellite imagery. 130:145-154. 2012
- A comparison of inbred line and F-1 testers for evaluating sorghum experimental lines in testcrosses. 123:47-50. 2011
- Relationship of phenotypic variation in sorghum to nutritive value of crop residues. 118:243-250. 2010
- Modeling responses of dryland spring triticale, proso millet and foxtail millet to initial soil water in the High Plains. 113:48-63. 2009
- Maximum node production rate and main culm node number contributions to yield and yield-related traits in rice. 96:313-319. 2006
- Classification and inheritance of genetic resistance to anthracnose in sorghum. 93:1-9. 2005
- Assessing the relationship between endosperm type and grain yield potential in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). 91:199-205. 2005
- Drain and harvest timing affects on rice grain drying and whole-milled grain. 74:163-172. 2002
- Fruiting patterns impact carbon accumulation dynamics in cotton. 295:108892-108892.
- Development of early maturing submergence-tolerant rice varieties for Bangladesh 2016
- Direct and indirect means of predicting forage quality through near infrared reflectance spectroscopy 2003