publication venue for
- First-principles modeling of electromagnetic scattering by discrete and discretely heterogeneous random media.. 632:1-75. 2016
- Chiral symmetry and effective field theories for hadronic, nuclear and stellar matter. 621:2-75. 2016
- Recent progress and new challenges in isospin physics with heavy-ion reactions. 464:113-281. 2008
- Vector manifestation and matter formed in relativistic heavy-ion processes. 439:161-191. 2007
- Light-ion-induced multifragmentation: The ISiS project. 434:1-46. 2006
- Nuclear Fermi-liquid drop model. 390:133-233. 2004
- Rho meson spectral function in dense matter. 242:453-461. 1994
- From lasers and masers to phaseonium and phasers. 219:191-201. 1992
- Amplification and lasing without inversion. 219:175-190. 1992
- Kaluza-Klein supergravity. 130:1-142. 1986
- Distribution functions in physics: Fundamentals. 106:121-167. 1984
- State reduction in quantum mechanics: A calculational example. 43:485-498. 1978
- The EPR paradox revisited. 43:499-508. 1978
- Superconductivity and macroscopic quantum phenomena. 25:175-291. 1976
- Anomalous soft photons: Status and perspectives. 1097:1-40.