publication venue for
- Bayesian optimization of multiscale kernel principal component analysis and its application to model Gas-to-liquid (GTL) process data. 284:129221-129221. 2023
- How good are learning-based control v.s. model-based control for load shifting? Investigations on a single zone building energy system. 273:127073-127073. 2023
- Polymer enhanced foam for improving oil recovery in oil-wet carbonate reservoirs: A proof of concept and insights into the polymer-surfactant interactions. 264:126256-126256. 2023
- Hydrogen production using piston reactor technology: Process design and integration for CO2 emission reduction. 259:124999-124999. 2022
- Industrial electricity consumption and economic growth: A spatio-temporal analysis across prefecture-level cities in China from 1999 to 2014. 222:119932-119932. 2021
- Optimal pumping schedule with high-viscosity gel for uniform distribution of proppant in unconventional reservoirs. 216:119231-119231. 2021
- Adaptive energy management in automated hybrid electric vehicles with flexible torque request. 214:118873-118873. 2021
- A novel stacked generalization ensemble-based hybrid LGBM-XGB-MLP model for Short-Term Load Forecasting. 214:118874-118874. 2021
- On the optimization of water-energy nexus in shale gas network under price uncertainties. 203:117770-117770. 2020
- Online reduced kernel GLRT technique for improved fault detection in photovoltaic systems. 179:1133-1154. 2019
- Optimization of water-energy nexus in shale gas exploration: From production to transmission. 183:651-669. 2019
- Revised inflow performance relationship for productivity prediction and energy evaluation based on stage characteristics of Class III methane hydrate deposits. 189:116211-116211. 2019
- Stage analysis and production evaluation for class III gas hydrate deposit by depressurization. 165:501-511. 2018
- The implementation of inter-plant heat integration among multiple plants. Part I: A novel screening algorithm. 140:1018-1029. 2017
- The implementation of inter-plant heat integration among multiple plants. Part II: The mathematical model. 135:382-393. 2017
- Embodied energy analysis of building materials: An improved IO-based hybrid method using sectoral disaggregation. 124:46-58. 2017
- Field evaluation of microencapsulated phase change material slurry in ground source heat pump systems. 122:691-700. 2017
- Field evaluation of microencapsulated phase change material slurry in ground source heat pump systems. 122:691-700. 2017
- The implementation of inter-plant heat integration among multiple plants. Part I: A novel screening algorithm. 140:1018-1029. 2017
- Development of a modified equilibrium model for biomass pilot-scale fluidized bed gasifier performance predictions. 115:1092-1108. 2016
- Simultaneous synthesis of utility system and heat exchanger network incorporating steam condensate and boiler feedwater. 113:875-893. 2016
- A stochastic optimization approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and transportation. 106:367-377. 2016
- Enriched-air fluidized bed gasification using bench and pilot scale reactors of dairy manure with sand bedding based on response surface methods. 95:187-199. 2016
- Jatropha waste meal as an alternative energy source via pressurized pyrolysis: A study on temperature effects. 113:631-642. 2016
- Probing public perceptions on energy: Support for a comparative, deep-probing survey design for complex issue domains. 81:406-415. 2015
- A comprehensive review of thermo-physical properties and convective heat transfer to nanofluids. 89:1065-1086. 2015
- Comparison of big bluestem with other native grasses: Chemical composition and biofuel yield. 83:358-365. 2015
- Experimental investigation of pyrolysis of rice straw using bench-scale auger, batch and fluidized bed reactors. 93:2384-2394. 2015
- Experimental investigation of torrefaction of two agricultural wastes of different composition using RSM (response surface methodology). 91:507-516. 2015
- Optimal design of process energy systems integrating sustainable considerati ons. 76:139-160. 2014
- An exergy composite curves approach for the design of optimum multi-pressure organic Rankine cycle processes. 69:285-298. 2014
- Economic factors influencing potential use of cellulosic crop residues for electricity generation. 56:81-91. 2013
- Energy systems engineering. 44:2-5. 2012
- Second law analysis of a low temperature combustion diesel engine: Effect of injection timing and exhaust gas recirculation. 38:78-84. 2012
- Targeting and design of industrial zone waste heat reuse for combined heat and power generation. 47:302-313. 2012
- Optimal waste heat recovery and reuse in industrial zones. 36:4019-4031. 2011
- Gis-based procedures for hydropower potential spotting. 35:4237-4243. 2010
- Comparison of models for estimating solar radiation in arid and semi-arid regions. 12:113-116.
- Coupled system model analysis for a small modular reactor cogeneration (combined heat and power) application. 262:125481-125481.
- Dynamic modelling and control of single, double and triple effect absorption refrigeration cycles. 210:118529-118529.
- Experimental study of micro-explosion and puffing of gas-to-liquid (GTL) fuel blends by suspended droplet method. 218:119462-119462.
- Genetic algorithm-based non-synchronous unit-specific optimal load-following control of multi-unit small modular reactor. 314:134091-134091.
- Investigation of binary, ternary and quaternary mixtures across solution heat exchanger used in absorption refrigeration and process modifications to improve cycle performance. 198:117254-117254.
- Statistical comparison of correlations for estimation of global horizontal solar radiation. 12:1309-1316.
- Systematic modeling under uncertainty of single, double and triple effect absorption refrigeration processes. 183:262-278.
- Thermo-economic and environmental assessment of hybrid vapor compression-absorption refrigeration systems for district cooling. 243:122991-122991.