publication venue for
- Pollen associated with a Texas population of blow flies-(Diptera: Calliphoridae) highlights underappreciated aspects of their biology 2023
- Aphelinus nigritus-induced transgenerational fecundity compensation in parasitized Melanaphis sorghi. 47:967-980. 2022
- The upper thermal tolerance for a Texas population of the hairy maggot blow flyChrysomya rufifaciesMacquart (Diptera: Calliphoridae). 45:1146-1157. 2020
- Impacts of dietary amino acid composition and microbial presence on preference and performance of immature Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae). 43:612-620. 2018
- How do invasive species affect native species? Experimental evidence from a carrion blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) system. 43:483-493. 2018
- Priority effects on the life-history traits of two carrion blow fly (Diptera, Calliphoridae) species. 39:539-547. 2014
- Effects of diet quality on performance and nutrient regulation in an omnivorous katydid. 36:471-479. 2011
- Immediate protein dietary effects on movement and the generalised immunocompetence of migrating Mormon crickets Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). 34:663-668. 2009
- Aggression in imported fire ants: an explanation for shifts in their spatial distributions in Southern United States?. 34:427-436. 2009
- Radiotelemetry reveals differences in individual movement patterns between outbreak and non-outbreak Mormon cricket populations. 30:548-555. 2005
- Constraints on the utilisation of the invasive Chinese tallow tree Sapium sebiferum by generalist native herbivores in coastal prairies. 29:66-75. 2004
- Crop colonisation, feeding, and reproduction by the predatory beetle, Hippodamia convergens, as indicated by stable carbon isotope analysis. 29:226-233. 2004
- Impact of diet quality on demographic attributes in adult grasshoppers and the nitrogen limitation hypothesis. 23:174-184. 1998
- Host size selection and sex allocation behaviour among parasitoid trophic levels. 21:218-226. 1996
- The influence of host size on sex ratios in the parasitoid Diglyphus begini (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). 15:391-399. 1990