publication venue for
- Consumers? valuation of cultured beef Burger: A Multi-Country investigation using choice experiments. 112:102376-102376. 2022
- Appealing to generosity to reduce food calorie intake: A natural field experiment. 110:102274-102274. 2022
- Insurance subsidies, climate change, and innovation: Implications for crop yield resiliency. 108:102232-102232. 2022
- Green identity labeling, environmental information, and pro-environmental food choices. 106:102187-102187. 2022
- What is driving increases in dietary quality in the United States?. 86:101720-101720. 2019
- Effects of trade and agricultural policies on the structure of the US tomato industry. 69:123-134. 2017
- Food environment in the United States as a complex economic system. 61:163-175. 2016
- How many bad apples are in a bunch? An experimental investigation of perceived pesticide residue risks. 41:112-123. 2013
- Migration and the overweight and underweight status of children in rural China. 36:88-100. 2011
- Do consumers perceive benefits from the implementation of a EU mandatory nutritional labelling program?. 32:160-174. 2007
- An analytical framework for making long-term projections of undernourishment: A case study for agriculture in Mali. 30:434-451. 2005
- Crisis management effectiveness indicators for US meat and poultry recalls. 30:63-80. 2005
- US consumers' perceptions of the importance of following the US dietary guidelines. 24:553-564. 1999
- Does 25 cents more per day make a difference? The impact of livestock transfer and development in rural Zambia. 63:62-72.