publication venue for
- Reverse weathering may amplify post-Snowball atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. 364:106279-106279. 2021
- Morphological adaptations of 3.22 Ga-old tufted microbial mats to Archean coastal habitats (Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa). 266:47-64. 2015
- Tectonic controls on atmospheric, climatic, and biological evolution 3.52.4Ga. 158:177-197. 2007
- Global events across the MesoproterozoicNeoproterozoic boundary: C and Sr isotopic evidence from Siberia. 111:165-202. 2001
- Circa 546 Ma plume-related dykes in the similar to 1 Ga Novillo Gneiss (east-central Mexico): Evidence for the initial separation of Avalonia 2006