publication venue for
- Frequency effects in action versus value learning.. 48:1311-1327. 2022
- Working-memory load and temporal myopia in dynamic decision making.. 38:1640-1658. 2012
- Specificity of Practice: Interaction Between Concurrent Sensory Information and Terminal Feedback. 34:994-1000. 2008
- The Intention Superiority Effect in Motor Skill Learning. 32:491-505. 2006
- Labeling bias and categorical induction: generative aspects of category information.. 31:538-553. 2005
- Learning nonlinearly separable categories by inference and classification.. 28:585-593. 2002
- Inference using categories.. 26:776-795. 2000
- Context specificity of automatic influences of memory.. 44:1501-1513.
- Effects of varied and constant environmental contexts on acquisition and retention.. 40:1582-1593.
- Learned states of preparatory attentional control.. 41:1790-1805.
- Memory blocks in word fragment completion caused by involuntary retrieval of orthographically related primes. 23:355-370.
- Selection history and the strategic control of attention.. 50:204-211.
- The use of source memory to identify one's own episodic confusion errors.. 27:362-374.