publication venue for
- Special issue on the International Symposium on Robotics Research, 2017. 38:1327-1328. 2019
- Complete characterization of a class of privacy-preserving tracking problems. 38:299-315. 2019
- Toward a language-theoretic foundation for planning and filtering. 38:236-259. 2019
- Editorial. 37:1115-1116. 2018
- Sampling-based motion planning with reachable volumes for high-degree-of-freedom manipulators. 37:779-817. 2018
- Special Issue on the Eleventh Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics, 2014. 35:437-437. 2016
- FIRM: Sampling-based feedback motion-planning under motion uncertainty and imperfect measurements. 33:268-304. 2014
- Physically routing robots in a multi-robot network: Flexibility through a three-dimensional matching graph. 32:1475-1494. 2013
- Reachable Distance Space: Efficient Sampling-Based Planning for Spatially Constrained Systems. 29:916-934. 2010
- Special Issue on the Seventh International Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. 27:1173-1174. 2008
- Robotic self-replication in structured environments: Physical demonstrations and complexity measures. 27:387-401. 2008
- Special issue on robotics techniques applied to computational biology. 24:107-107. 2005
- Handling Sensing Failures in Autonomous Mobile Robots. 18:382-400. 1999
- Optimal trajectory planning for mobile robots using Jacobian elliptic functions. 16:826-839. 1997
- Ford Campus vision and lidar data set. 30:1543-1552.
- Ford Multi-AV Seasonal Dataset. 39:1367-1376.
- Assessing optimal assignment under uncertainty: An interval-based algorithm 2011