publication venue for
- Does Mandatory IFRS Adoption Affect Audit Hours and the Effectiveness to Constrain Earnings Management? Evidence from Italy. 40:1-25. 2021
- Internal Control Quality and Bank Risk-Taking and Performance. 40:49-84. 2020
- Audit Firm Reputational Consequences of Alleged Non-Accounting Misconduct by Clients: How Bargaining Power Temporarily Shifts Around Securities Litigation. 38:77-100. 2019
- Internal Control Weaknesses and Financial Reporting Fraud. 36:45-69. 2017
- The Effect of Partition Dependence on Assessing Accounting Estimates. 36:185-197. 2017
- Do Critical Audit Matter Paragraphs in the Audit Report Change Nonprofessional Investors' Decision to Invest?. 33:71-93. 2014
- Does a Lack of Choice Lead to Lower Quality? Evidence from Auditor Competition and Client Restatements. 32:31-67. 2013
- Auditors' Internal Control over Financial Reporting Decisions: Analysis, Synthesis, and Research Directions. 32:131-166. 2013
- Obtaining Assurance for Financial Statement Audits and Control Audits When Aspects of the Financial Reporting Process Are Outsourced. 32:209-250. 2013
- The Association between Financial Reporting Risk and Audit Fees before and after the Historic Events Surrounding SOX. 29:15-39. 2010
- Impact of the SEC's Public Fee Disclosure Requirement on Subsequent Period Fees and Implications for Market Efficiency. 24:145-160. 2005
- Impact of the SEC's Public Fee Disclosure Requirement on Subsequent Period Fees and Implications for Market Efficiency. 24:145-160. 2005
- An Examination of the Effect of CPA Firm Type on Bank Regulators' Closure Decisions. 18:143-158. 1999
- The market effects of auditor resignations. 16:138-144. 1997