publication venue for
- Crisis and Coordination: Regulatory Design in Financial Crises. 104:286-289. 2010
- International Trade and the Financial Crisis Implications of the Global Financial Crisis on International Trade and and Investment Regimes 2010
- Introduction. 103:57-58. 2009
- Examples of the Political Character of International Water Law. 102:353-369. 2008
- Introduction. 102:339-341. 2008
- Accountability and Democracy in the Case of Using Force under International Auspices. 94:19-30. 2000
- The ASIL as an Epistemic Community. 90:584-585. 1996
- [Introduction]. 89:471-475. 1995
- ICSID and New Trends in International Dispute Settlement. 87:2-14. 1993
- Theme I Roundtable: Our Changing Sense of Community: The International Legal System Following the Bipolar World. 87:153-172. 1993
- State Law in International Cases. 84:332-342. 1990