publication venue for
- Experimental elicitations of awe: a meta-analysis.. 37:18-33. 2023
- Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events.. 35:936-955. 2021
- Effects of emotional content on working memory capacity.. 33:370-377. 2019
- Processing emotions in sounds: cross-domain aftereffects of vocal utterances and musical sounds.. 31:1610-1626. 2017
- Instructed fear learning, extinction, and recall: additive effects of cognitive information on emotional learning of fear.. 31:980-987. 2017
- Counterintuitive effects of negative social feedback on attention.. 31:590-597. 2017
- What's so funny? Modelling incongruity in humour production.. 31:484-499. 2017
- Approach motivation and cognitive resources combine to influence memory for positive emotional stimuli.. 30:389-397. 2016
- Experiencing versus contemplating: Language use during descriptions of awe and wonder.. 30:1188-1196. 2016
- Mortality salience biases attention to positive versus negative images among individuals higher in trait self-control.. 28:550-559. 2014
- Stopping anger and anxiety: evidence that inhibitory ability predicts negative emotional responding.. 28:132-142. 2014
- Subliminal mere exposure and explicit and implicit positive affective responses.. 25:726-729. 2011
- Motivational biases in memory for emotions. 24:401-418. 2010
- Meaning in life and seeing the big picture: Positive affect and global focus. 21:1577-1584. 2007
- Memory and the brain: A retrospective. 20:1027-1045. 2006
- Predicting facial valence to negative stimuli from resting RSA: Not a function of active emotion regulation. 20:161-176. 2006
- Effects of fear on risk and control judgements and memory: Implications for health promotion messages. 19:1049-1069. 2005
- Behavioural, affective, and physiological effects of negative and positive emotional exaggeration. 18:1079-1097. 2004