publication venue for
- A non-linear theoretical dry/wet boundary-based two-source trapezoid model for estimation of land surface evapotranspiration. ahead-of-print:1-19. 2023
- Bayesian characterization of uncertainties surrounding fluvial flood hazard estimates. 67:277-286. 2022
- Long-term and event-scale sub-daily streamflow and sediment simulation in a small forested catchment. 66:862-873. 2021
- New approach to computing mean velocity and discharge. 66:347-353. 2021
- Ecohydrological effects of water reservoirs with consideration of asynchronous and synchronous concurrences of high- and low-flow regimes. 63:615-629. 2018
- Nonstationarity and clustering of flood characteristics and relations with the climate indices in the Poyang Lake basin, China. 62:1809-1824. 2017
- Hydrological modelling of the Vistula and Odra river basins using SWAT. 62:1266-1289. 2017
- Glacier mass balance simulation using SWAT distributed snow algorithm. 62:546-560. 2017
- Nonstationarity-based evaluation of flood risk in the Pearl River basin: changing patterns, causes and implications. 62:246-258. 2017
- Assessing drought threats to agricultural water supplies under climate change by combining the SWAT and MODSIM models for the Geum River basin, South Korea. 61:2740-2753. 2016
- Effects of land-use/cover change on hydrological processes using a GIS/RS-based integrated hydrological model: case study of the East River, China. 60:1724-1738. 2015
- A new method for identification of flood seasons using directional statistics. 58:28-40. 2013
- A new method for modelling flow duration curves and predicting streamflow regimes under altered land-use conditions. 54:606-622. 2009
- The PWM large quantile estimates of heavy tailed distributions from samples deprived of their largest element. 53:367-386. 2008
- A real-time stage Muskingum forecasting model for a site without rating curve. 51:66-82. 2006
- The influence of stochastic soil moisture dynamics on gaseous emissions of NO, N2O, and N2. 48:781-798. 2003
- Ecohydrology-a challenging multidisciplinary research perspective / Ecohydrologie: une perspective stimulante de recherche multidisciplinaire. 47:811-821. 2002
- A note on the applicability of log-Gumbel and log-logistic probability distributions in hydrological analyses: I. Known pdf. 47:107-122. 2002
- A note on the applicability of log-Gumbel and log-logistic probability distributions in hydrological analyses: II. Assumed pdf. 47:123-137. 2002
- Impulse response of a linear diffusion analogy model as a flood frequency probability density function. 46:761-780. 2001
- On the Seddon speed formula. 46:333-347. 2001
- Parameter estimation for 3-parameter generalized pareto distribution by the principle of maximum entropy (POME). 40:165-181. 1995
- On derivation of the extreme value (EV) type III distribution for low flows using entropy. 32:521-533. 1987
- On the structure of a semi-distributed adaptive model for flood forecasting. 32:227-242. 1987
- Rainfall-runoff-sediment yield relation by stochastic modelling. 29:203-218. 1984
- News. 27:525-540. 1982
- The dependence of drainage density on climate and geomorphology. 27:129-137. 1982
- The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN a Global world (HELPING)
- Fit-for-purpose analysis of uncertainty using split-sampling evaluations 2008