publication venue for
- Introduction to Currently Applied Device Pathology.. 47:221-234. 2019
- New Frontiers: Approaches to Understand the Mechanistic Basis of Renal Toxicity.. 46:1002-1005. 2018
- Traditional Renal Biomarkers and New Approaches to Diagnostics.. 46:999-1001. 2018
- Proceedings of the 2015 National Toxicology Program Satellite Symposium.. 44:502-535. 2016
- Review of commonly used clinical pathology parameters for general gastrointestinal disease with emphasis on small animals.. 42:189-194. 2014
- Integrative toxicopathological evaluation of aflatoxin B exposure in F344 rats.. 41:1093-1105. 2013
- Phytol-induced hepatotoxicity in mice.. 37:201-208. 2009
- Genomic profiling in nuclear receptor-mediated toxicity.. 35:474-494. 2007
- Mechanisms of ligand-induced aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated biochemical and toxic responses.. 26:657-671. 1998
- Inhibition of copper-associated erythrocyte ghost membrane lipid peroxidation by hepatic cytosolic low molecular weight proteins.. 19:206-213. 1991
- Distribution of inorganic mercury in liver and kidney of beluga and bowhead whales through autometallographic development of light microscopic tissue sections.. 30:209-215.
- Environmental estrogens and cancer. 34:981-982.
- The influence of estrogen on hepatobiliary osteopontin (SPP1) expression in a female rodent model of alcoholic steatohepatitis.. 37:492-501.
- The temporal expression of osteopontin (SPP-1) in the rodent model of alcoholic steatohepatitis: a potential biomarker.. 34:373-384.