publication venue for
- Attributions of Trust and Trustworthiness. 1-23. 2023
- Motivated Reasoning, Public Opinion, and Presidential Approval. 42:1201-1221. 2020
- In Capable Hands: An Experimental Study of the Effects of Competence and Consistency on Leadership Approval. 40:659-679. 2018
- Conformity in Groups: The Effects of Others Views on Expressed Attitudes and Attitude Change. 38:277-315. 2016
- Media Consumption and the Dynamics of Policy Mood. 36:377-399. 2014
- Collective action and citizen responses to global warming. 29:391-413. 2007
- Economic conditions, economic perceptions, and public support for European integration. 19:81-96. 1997
- Public responses to the presidential use of military force: A panel analysis. 17:307-337. 1995
- Style issues and vote choice. 1:203-215. 1979
- Exploring the roots of public participation in the controversy over embryonic stem cell research and cloning 2006