publication venue for
- Feedback quantum control of population transfer using shaped femtosecond pulses. 63:645-647. 1998
- Quantum control of femtosecond multiphoton absorption via chirp. 63:468-470. 1998
- Ultrafast measurement of microscopic chemical environments using high intensity chirped pulses. 63:559-561. 1998
- Chirped-Pulse Amplifiaction with a Fiber Stretcher and a Grism Compressor. 62:85-86. 1996
- Regenerative Pulse Shaping: A New Technique for Ultrabroadband Amplification. 62:87-89. 1996
- Intensity and Phase Measurements of Femtosecond Pulses from a Chirped-Pulse Amplifier 1994
- Production of Programable Amplified, Shaped Pulses in Femtosecond Lasers 1994
- Quantum Control of Vibrational Dynamics with Tailored Light Pulses 1994
- Time-Dependent Simulations of Laminar Flames in Hydrogen-Air Mixtures 1987
- Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry for High Mass Applications 1986
- Some Aspects of the Chemistry of Ionic Organo-Alkali Metal Halide Clusters Formed by Desorption Ionization 1986
- Effect of Hydrodynamic Dispersion of the Metal on Surface Plasmons and Surface Enhanced Phenomena in Spherical Geometries
- Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements of NAD(P)H in Live Cells and Tissue
- Ultrafast Processes in the Optical Response of the Electron-Hole Plasma in Germanium
- Time-Resolved Optical Studies of In GaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells in High Magnetic Fields 2009
- Resonant-cavity magnetic-field probe for mmwave frequency-domain spatial field mapping 2003
Femtosecond multicolor pump-probe investigation of ultrafast electron transfer of (NH
3 )5 RuIII NCRuII(CN)5 - in solution 2001 - Picosecond Studies of Bacteriorhodopsin Intermediates from 11-cis Rhodopsin and 9-cis Rhodopsin 1982
- Femtosecond multicolor pump-probe investigation of ultrafast electron transfer of (NH3)5RuIIINCRuII(CN)5- in solution
- Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy on the equilibrated aqueous solvated electron: Isotope effects and saturation studies
- Picosecond Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of the Photolysis Product of Oxy-Hemoglobin