publication venue for
- Ecosystem sulfur accumulation following woody encroachment drives a more open S-cycle in a Subtropical Savanna. 155:343-355. 2021
- Ecosystem sulfur accumulation following woody encroachment drives a more open S-cycle in a Subtropical Savanna (Jul, 10.1007/s10533-02100829-0, 2021). 155:357-357. 2021
- Natural atmospheric deposition of molybdenum: a global model and implications for tropical forests. 149:159-174. 2020
- Changes to soil organic N dynamics with leguminous woody plant encroachment into grasslands. 113:307-321. 2013
- Salt impacts on organic carbon and nitrogen leaching from senesced vegetation. 112:245-259. 2013
- Methanol and other VOC fluxes from a Danish beech forest during late springtime. 106:337-355. 2011
- Biological and photochemical transformations of amino acids and lignin phenols in riverine dissolved organic matter. 102:209-222. 2011
- Pelagic community respiration on the continental shelf off Georgia, USA. 98:101-113. 2010
- Inputs, losses and transformations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the pelagic North Atlantic Ocean. 35:181-226. 1996
- Dynamics of methane emissions from northwestern Gulf of Mexico subtropical seagrass meadows. 1-19.
- Freezing-thawing cycles affect organic matter decomposition in periglacial maritime Antarctic soils. 163:311-325.
- Soil C:N:P stoichiometry responds to vegetation change from grassland to woodland. 140:341-357.
- Soil microorganisms regulate extracellular enzyme production to maximize their growth rate. 158:303-312.
- Terrestrial ecosystems buffer inputs through storage and recycling of elements. 156:351-373.