publication venue for
- Spontaneity competes with intention to influence the coordination dynamics of interpersonal performance tendencies.. 93:103160-103160. 2023
- Isometric force complexity may not fully originate from the nervous system.. 90:103111-103111. 2023
- Bayesian integration during sensorimotor estimation in elite athletes.. 81:102895-102895. 2022
- Differences in motor unit recruitment patterns and low frequency oscillation of discharge rates between unilateral and bilateral isometric muscle contractions.. 83:102952-102952. 2022
- Individual goals interact with dyad goals to constrain and facilitate the formation of interpersonal patterns of coordination.. 83:102949-102949. 2022
- Life span changes: Performing a continuous 1:2 bimanual coordination task.. 46:209-220. 2016
- Neuromechanical synergies in single-leg landing reveal changes in movement control.. 49:66-78. 2016
- Observational training in visual half-fields and the coding of movement sequences.. 31:1436-1448. 2012
- Age-related effects in interlimb practice on coding complex movement sequences.. 30:459-474. 2011
- Asymmetric effector transfer of complex movement sequences.. 29:62-72. 2010
- The learning of two similar complex movement sequences: does practice insulate a sequence from interference?. 27:873-887. 2008
- The spontaneous recruitment and suppression of degrees of freedom in rhythmic hand movements. 16:1-32. 1997
- Multifunctionality and switching in the coordination dynamics of reaching and grasping. 13:63-94. 1994