publication venue for
- The psychophysiology of emotion regulation: Next generation approaches.. 188:12-16. 2023
- Event-related potential studies of emotion regulation: A review of recent progress and future directions.. 176:73-88. 2022
- Generalization of reappraisal to novel negative stimuli as evidenced by the LPP.. 176:164-170. 2022
- Using item response theory to select emotional pictures for psychophysiological experiments.. 162:166-179. 2021
- Delta-beta coupling is associated with paternal caregiving behaviors during preschool.. 112:31-39. 2017
- Expectation of nocebo hyperalgesia affects EEG alpha-activity.. 109:147-152. 2016
- Danger and disease: electrocortical responses to threat- and disgust-eliciting images.. 90:235-239. 2013
- Visual tracking during implicit and explicit orthographic recognition tasks in Spanish-speaking teenagers 2016
- Neural patterns of activations in social and nonsocial emotions 2004