publication venue for
- An analytical method for modeling and analysis gas-water relative permeability in nanoscale pores with interfacial effects. 159:71-81. 2016
- A fractional decline curve analysis model for shale gas reservoirs. 163:140-148. 2016
- Multi-component gas transport and adsorption effects during CO2 injection and enhanced shale gas recovery. 123:52-61. 2014
- On the fundamental difference between coal rank and coal type. 118:58-87. 2013
- Carbonate petrology and geochemistry of Pennsylvanian coal balls from the Kalo Formation of Iowa. 94:137-149. 2012
- Notes on the origin of inertinite macerals in coal: Evidence for fungal and arthropod transformations of degraded macerals. 86:231-240. 2011
- Cordaiteans in paleotropical wetlands: An ecological re-evaluation. 83:248-265. 2010
- Palynology and paleoecology of lignites from the Manning Formation (Jackson Group) outcrop in the Lake Somerville spillway of east-central Texas. 34:195-223. 1997
- Carboniferous paleogeographic, phytogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions. 5:7-42. 1985
- Depositional environments of Late Eocene lignite-bearing strata, east-central Texas 1997