publication venue for
- Text Mining for Type of Research Classification. 59:815-834. 2021
- When does the Forename End and the Surname Begin? Saints' Names as Compound Forenames in Spanish. 57:187-196. 2019
- The "Wicked Problem" of Neutral Description: Toward a Documentation Approach to Metadata Standards. 55:107-128. 2017
- Developing a Data Identifier Taxonomy. 52:303-336. 2014
- Enhancing and Upgrading Records for Video Recordings in OCLC's WorldCat Database: One Participant's Experience at Texas A&M University. 46:238-268. 2008
- Applying Form/Genre Headings to Foreign Films: A Summary of AUTOCAT and OLAC-LIST Discussions. 40:73-88. 2005
- Strategies for Providing Access to a Specialized Collection: Cataloging Decisions Affecting the Quilt Newsletter Collection at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 36:91-99. 2003
- Faculty and Graduate Student Search Patterns and Perceptions of Videos in the Online Catalog. 33:69-88. 2002
- Finding the Missing Date: The Example of German Imprints Without Dates. 24:17-36. 1997