publication venue for
- Effects of a Teacher-Facilitated Peer-Mediated Intervention on Social Play of Preschoolers with Autism.. 1-20. 2024
- Feasibility and Initial Efficacy of an Adapted Telepractice Listening Comprehension Intervention for School-Aged Children with Autism.. 53:1862-1872. 2023
- Beyond Tier Three: Individualized Levels of Support During Headsprout Early Reading Instruction for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.. 52:2132-2148. 2022
- Targeting Oral Language and Listening Comprehension Development for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A School-Based Pilot Study.. 50:3763-3776. 2020
- Assessing Autism Spectrum Disorder in Intellectually Able Adults with the Personality Assessment Inventory: Normative Data and a Novel Supplemental Indicator.. 50:3935-3943. 2020
- Technology-Aided Interventions and Instruction for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.. 45:3805-3819. 2015
- A meta-analysis of single case research studies on aided augmentative and alternative communication systems with individuals with autism spectrum disorders.. 42:60-74. 2012
- Health-related quality of life and cognitive functioning from the perspective of parents of school-aged children with Asperger's Syndrome utilizing the PedsQL.. 39:1529-1541. 2009
- Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Reducing Anxiety in Children with High Functioning ASD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.. 50:1958-1972.
- Genetic Testing Experiences Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States.. 49:4821-4833.