publication venue for
- Native American nonindustrial private forest landowners in Southeastern Oklahoma. 32:149-153. 2008
- Efficacy of Basal Girdling to Control Oak Wilt Fungal Mat Production in Texas Red Oak (Quercus buckleyi) in Central Texas. 32:168-172. 2008
- Public Preferences for Nontimber Benefits of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) Stands Regenerated by Different Site Preparation Methods. 24:145-149. 2000
- Minority Forest Landowners in Southeastern Alabama. 23:175-178. 1999
- Predicting seed yields from loblolly pine seed orchards: A simulation approach using TImpSim. 23:117-123. 1999
- An economic analysis of forest grazing on four timber management situations.. 7:119-124. 1983
- A simplified method of predicting percent volume in log portions. 27:149-152.
- Multivariate Probit Modeling of Decisions on Timber Harvesting and Request for Assistance by African-American Forestland Owners. 29:135-142.
- The southern US forest bioenergy encyclopedia: Making scientific knowledge more accessible. 32:28-32.
- Time and cost study of pruning a 12-year-old loblolly pine plantation. 29:179-184.