publication venue for
- Line-edge-roughness characterization of photomask patterns and lithography-printed patterns. 88:235-240. 2024
- Preliminary study of photomask pattern inspection by beam-shaped knife-edge interferometry. 77:104-109. 2022
- New insights into the methods for predicting ground surface roughness in the age of digitalisation. 67:393-418. 2021
- Characterization of thermally stable compliant structures with internal fluidic channels. 66:201-208. 2020
- Pressure-fed mechanism to compensate for motions and dynamic characteristics of compliant nanopositioning stages. 63:33-40. 2020
- Dimensional metrology with X-ray CT: A comparison with CMM measurements on internal features and compliant structures. 51:291-307. 2018
- Optimisation of a nano-positioning stage for a Transverse Dynamic Force Microscope. 50:183-197. 2017
- Knife-edge interferometry for cutting tool wear monitoring. 50:354-360. 2017
- Cross-coupling effect of large range XY nanopositioning stage fabricated by stereolithography process. 46:81-87. 2016
- Design and precision construction of novel magnetic-levitation-based multi-axis nanoscale positioning systems. 31:337-350. 2007
- A tensile test device for in situ atomic force microscope mechanical testing. 30:71-84. 2006
- High-precision magnetic levitation stage for photolithography. 22:66-77. 1998