publication venue for
- Markov data-based reference tracking control to tensegrity morphing airfoils. 291:116430-116430. 2023
- Aero-structural optimization-based tailoring of bridge deck geometry. 270:114067-114067. 2022
- Dynamics and control of clustered tensegrity systems. 264:114391-114391. 2022
- An agent-based modeling approach for community resilience assessment accounting for system interdependencies: Application on education system. 255:113889-113889. 2022
- Load balancing external post-tensioning for strengthening existing inverted-T bent caps. 253:113777-113777. 2022
- Mesoscale analysis of Fiber-Reinforced concrete beams. 266:114575-114575. 2022
- Numerical modeling of repaired reinforced concrete bridge columns. 253:113801-113801. 2022
- Numerical investigation of the monotonic behavior of strengthened Steel-Concrete composite girders. 246:113081-113081. 2021
- Efficient modal-based method for analyzing nonlinear aerostatic stability of long-span bridges. 244:112556-112556. 2021
- Adaptive neuro-fuzzy and simple adaptive control methods for full three-dimensional coupled buildings subjected to bi-directional seismic excitations. 232:111798-111798. 2021
- Experimental and computational investigation of a load-posted steel beam bridge. 245:112963-112963. 2021
- Exploring energy harvesting and vibration mitigation in tall buildings accounting for wind and seismic loads. 247:113126-113126. 2021
- Full static resistance of castellated steel beams with hexagonal web openings for blast response predictions. 245:112844-112844. 2021
- Decoupled model-based real-time hybrid simulation with multi-axial load and boundary condition boxes. 219:110868-110868. 2020
- Assessing damage and collapse capacity of reinforced concrete structures using the gradient inelastic beam element formulation. 225:111290-111290. 2020
- Response attenuation of cable-stayed bridge subjected to central US earthquakes using neuro-fuzzy and simple adaptive control. 203:109874-109874. 2020
- Simulating behaviour of large reinforced concrete beam-column joints subject to ASR/DEF deterioration and influence of corrosion. 222:111064-111064. 2020
- Magnetic flux leakage technique to detect loss in metallic area in external post-tensioning systems. 201:109765-109765. 2019
- Built-up structural steel sections as seismic metamaterials for surface wave attenuation with low frequency wide bandgap in layered soil medium. 188:440-451. 2019
- Experimental characterization and constitutive modeling of polyurethanes for structural applications, accounting for damage, hysteresis, loading rate and long term effects. 198:109462-109462. 2019
- Semi-active adaptive control for enhancing the seismic performance of nonlinear coupled buildings with smooth hysteretic behavior. 191:536-548. 2019
- Simple adaptive control method for mitigating the seismic responses of coupled adjacent buildings considering parameter variations. 186:369-381. 2019
- Reliability analysis of circular reinforced concrete columns subject to sequential vehicular impact and blast loading. 168:838-851. 2018
- A simplified model for the post-fire earthquake flexural response of reinforced concrete walls with boundary elements. 175:721-730. 2018
- Meshfree analysis of structures modeled as extensible slender rods. 156:82-91. 2018
- Post-fire seismic behavior of reinforced concrete structural walls. 168:163-178. 2018
- Service performance of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) slabs. 168:58-68. 2018
- Post-buckling of functionally graded microplates under mechanical and thermal loads using isogeomertic analysis. 150:905-917. 2017
- Identification of the significant uncertain parameters in the seismic response of irregular bridges. 141:356-372. 2017
- A generalized normal flow method with online step controls for pushover analysis of nonlinear softening structures. 143:232-244. 2017
- Evaluation of an alternative seismic design approach for rigid wall flexible wood roof diaphragm buildings through probabilistic loss estimation and disaggregation. 127:31-39. 2016
- Experimental study of an in-service spread slab beam bridge. 127:525-535. 2016
- Fragility analysis of wind-excited traffic signal structures. 101:652-661. 2015
- Nonlinear quasi-static analysis of hybrid sliding-rocking bridge columns subjected to lateral loading. 101:125-137. 2015
- Probabilistic demand model and performance-based fragility estimates for RC column subject to vehicle collision. 74:86-95. 2014
- Wind-induced traffic signal structure response: Experiments and reduction via helical arm strakes. 76:245-254. 2014
- Semi-active adaptive control of seismically excited 20-story nonlinear building. 56:2107-2118. 2013
- A model for the practical nonlinear analysis of reinforced-concrete frames including joint flexibility. 34:455-465. 2012
- Earthquake response of slender planar concrete walls with modern detailing. 43:31-47. 2012
- Seismic performance of a reinforced concrete frame building in China. 41:77-89. 2012
- Adaptive control of base-isolated structures against near-field earthquakes using variable friction dampers. 33:3143-3154. 2011
- Seismic effects of elevating bridges with steel pedestals in the southeastern United States. 33:3279-3289. 2011
- Application of semi-active control strategies for seismic protection of buildings with MR dampers. 32:3040-3047. 2010
- Time-variant service reliability of post-tensioned, segmental, concrete bridges exposed to corrosive environments. 32:2596-2605. 2010
- Evaluation of the performance of a sliding-type base isolation system with a NiTi shape memory alloy device considering temperature effects. 32:238-249. 2010
- Computation of stress resultants in plate bending problems using higher-order triangular elements. 30:2687-2706. 2008
- Earthquake induced pounding in friction varying base isolated buildings. 29:2825-2832. 2007
- Influence of transverse reinforcement on elastic shear stiffness of cracked concrete elements. 29:1798-1807. 2007
- Seismic retrofit of a reinforced concrete flat-slab structure: Part I seismic performance evaluation. 29:1165-1177. 2007
- Seismic retrofit of a reinforced concrete flat-slab structure: Part II seismic fragility analysis. 29:1178-1188. 2007
- A modal parameter based technique to inspect welded reinforcement splices. 28:453-465. 2006
- Re-shaping hysteretic behaviour using semi-active resettable device dampers. 28:1418-1429. 2006
- The impact of total acceleration control for semi-active earthquake hazard mitigation. 26:201-209. 2004
- Linear dynamics of tensegrity structures. 24:671-685. 2002
- Experimental and analytical capacity of frame scaffolding. 23:592-599. 2001
- On laminated composite plates with integrated sensors and actuators. 21:568-593. 1999
- Discrete-module-beam-based hydro-elasticity simulations for moored submerged floating tunnel under regular and random wave excitations. 275:115198-115198.
- On the correction of hydrostatic stiffness for discrete-module-based hydroelasticity analysis of vertically arrayed modules. 318:118710-118710.
- Optimization of tuned mass damper for seismic control of submerged floating tunnel. 241:112460-112460.