publication venue for
- Making time/making temporality for engaged scholarship. 45:365-380. 2017
- Organizing collective action amid the ripple effects of change: narratives of crisis, disaster, and opportunity. 44:1-21. 2016
- Discursive Strategies of Civil Disagreement in Public Dialogue Groups. 42:285-306. 2014
- A practitioner view toward engaged scholarship. 36:245-250. 2008
- Engaged scholarship and the creation of useful organizational knowledge. 36:251-265. 2008
- Introduction: Toward Purposeful and Practical Models of Engaged Scholarship. 36:243-244. 2008
- Managing dualities in planned change initiatives. 36:364-390. 2008
- Parent, Student, and Teacher Perceptions of Parental Involvement. 31:140-163. 2003
- Confronting Free Market Romanticism: Health Care Reform in the Least Likely Place. 29:153-170. 2001
- Narratives of sexual harassment: Organizational dimensions. 20:401-418. 1992
- Turning points in chairfaculty relationships. 20:54-77. 1992
- Communication and motivation within the superiorsubordinate dyad: Testing the conventional wisdom of volunteer management. 16:69-81. 1988
- Rectifying a flood data desert one step at a time: a co-created, engaged scholarship approach. 52:421-434.