publication venue for
- Ratio and difference comparisons of expected reward in decision-making tasks.. 36:1460-1469. 2008
- Category labels versus feature labels: category labels polarize inferential predictions.. 36:544-553. 2008
- Tracking mouse movement in feature inference: category labels are different from feature labels.. 35:852-863. 2007
- Object location memory: the interplay of multiple representations.. 33:1147-1159. 2005
- Learning categories composed of varying instances: the effect of classification, inference, and structural alignment.. 28:64-78. 2000
- Activation of number facts in bilinguals.. 21:809-818. 1993
- Contextual dependencies in motor skills.. 19:361-370. 1991
- A comparison of two techniques for reducing context-dependent forgetting.. 12:477-482.
- Category structure and created memories.. 28:386-395.
- Chasing red herrings: Memory of distractors causes fixation in creative problem solving.. 46:671-684.
- Constraining effects of examples in a creative generation task.. 21:837-845.
- Enhancement of recall using multiple environmental contexts during learning.. 10:405-412.
- Environmental context and human memory. 6:342-353.
- Environmental context-dependent recognition memory using a short-term memory task for input.. 14:347-354.
- Incubated reminiscence effects.. 19:168-176.
- The phenomenology of real and illusory tip-of-the-tongue states.. 28:18-27.
- The postdiction superiority effect in metacomprehension of text.. 29:62-67.