publication venue for
- The Voice of Misery: A Continental Philosophy of Testimony.. 52:457-471. 2022
- On Derrida's Donner le temps, Volumes I & II: A New Engagement with Heidegger. 52:23-47. 2022
- Hermeneutics as Slow Philosophy. 49:241-245. 2019
- Are We a Conversation? Hermeneutics, Exteriority, and Transmittability. 47:331-350. 2017
- Gunter Figal's Objectivity. 44:107-110. 2014
- Thing, Object, Life. 42:18-34. 2012
- Community in the idiom of crisis: Hegel on political life, tragedy, and the dead. 32:123-138. 2002