publication venue for
- State-Level Trends in Lifespan Variability in the United States, 1960-2019: A Research Note.. 60:1-14. 2023
- Cigarette Smoking and All-Cause and Cause-Specific Adult Mortality in the United States.. 55:1855-1885. 2018
- Hispanic-White Differences in Lifespan Variability in the United States.. 53:215-239. 2016
- Hispanic older adult mortality in the United States: new estimates and an assessment of factors shaping the Hispanic paradox.. 52:1-14. 2015
- The effect of anti-abortion legislation on nineteenth century fertility.. 51:939-948. 2014
- Elderly parent health and the migration decisions of adult children: evidence from rural China.. 44:265-288. 2007
- The impact of state-level restrictions on abortion.. 33:307-312. 1996
- Socioeconomic development, family planning, and fertility in China.. 24:531-551. 1987
- A note on stability in the U.S. metropolitan system: 1950-1970.. 17:445-450. 1980
- Indigenous labor supply, sustenance organization, and population redistribution in nonmetropolitan America: an extension of the ecological theory of migration.. 15:637-641. 1978
- Socioeconomic status, value orientations, and fertility behavior in India.. 12:417-430. 1975