publication venue for
- Family Environment, Heritage Language Profiles, and Socioemotional Well-being of Mexican-origin Adolescents with First Generation Immigrant Parents.. 51:1196-1209. 2022
- Latent Class Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration and Victimization among Latino Emerging Adults.. 47:575-585. 2018
- Is the Scoutreach Initiative of Boy Scouts of America Linked to Character Development among Socioeconomically, Racially, and Ethnically Diverse Youth?: Initial Explorations.. 46:2230-2240. 2017
- How Do My Friends Matter? Examining Latino Adolescents' Friendships, School Belonging, and Academic Achievement.. 45:1110-1125. 2016
- Developmental Trajectories of Youth Character: A Five-Wave Longitudinal Study of Cub Scouts and Non-Scout Boys.. 44:2359-2373. 2015
- Neighborhood, family and individual influences on school physical victimization.. 42:1596-1610. 2013
- Associations between menarcheal timing and behavioral developmental trajectories for girls from age 6 to age 15.. 40:1329-1342. 2011
- The impact of racial discrimination and coping strategies on internalizing symptoms in African American youth.. 38:532-543. 2009
- Perceived support and internalizing symptoms in African American adolescents: Self-esteem and ethnic identity as mediators. 36:77-88. 2007
- Indirect Effects of Extracurricular Participation on Academic Adjustment Via Perceived Friends' Prosocial Norms.. 45:2260-2277.
- Parent-Adolescent Conflict as Sequences of Reciprocal Negative Emotion: Links with Conflict Resolution and Adolescents' Behavior Problems.. 44:1607-1622.