publication venue for
- Modiano's Catharsis: Dora Bruder, Un pedigree, and Beyond. 2018-January:94-112. 2018
- Spanish Memories and Francoist Nightmares: Le bourreau, Torture, and the Meaning of Resistance in Jorge Semprun and Michel del Castillo. 85-102. 2016
- Mere humanity: The ethical turn in the shorter wartime narratives of Irene Nmirovsky. 121:34-53. 2012
- Perversion and Pulp: Reading Edgar Rice Burroughs and Figuring America in Les Bienveillantes. 121:204-226. 2012
- Pascal Bruckner and the Politics of the Moraliste: Realism or Reaction?. 92-109. 2009