publication venue for
- Exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by veterinary telemedicine.. 191:210-212. 2022
- Clinical utility of a targeted smartphone application to aid veterinary students in calculating constant rate infusions and perioperative fluid drip rates.. 187:e124-e124. 2020
- Onset and duration of cis-atracurium neuromuscular block during fentanyl and lidocaine infusions in isoflurane-anaesthetised dogs.. 187:e33-e33. 2020
- Role of the gastrointestinal microbiota in small animal health and disease.. 181:370-370. 2017
- Comparison of gabapentin versus topiramate on clinically affected dogs with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia.. 177:288-288. 2015
- MRSP: prevalence in practice.. 176:170-171. 2015
- How lack of clarity in regulation is stifling veterinary research.. 174:148-149. 2014
- Progression of otitis media with effusion in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel.. 172:315-315. 2013
- Appropriate secondary absolute erythrocytosis in a horse.. 169:609-609. 2011
- Dystrophin-deficient muscular dystrophy in an Alaskan malamute.. 169:127. 2011
- Prevalence of asymptomatic syringomyelia in Cavalier King Charles spaniels.. 168:667-667. 2011
- Designing clinical trials in canine spinal cord injury as a model to translate successful laboratory interventions into clinical practice.. 168:102-107. 2011
- Relationship between pharyngeal conformation and otitis media with effusion in Cavalier King Charles spaniels.. 167:55-58. 2010
- Cell therapy clinical trial for dogs with chronic spinal cord injury. 166:729-729. 2010
- Innervation of canine skin: an immunohistochemical study.. 165:314-318. 2009
- Detection of an antigen specific for proventricular dilation disease in psitticine birds.. 163:426-426. 2008
- Syringomyelia in cavalier King Charles spaniels.. 162:324-324. 2008
- Facial myokymia in a puppy.. 158:411-412. 2006
- Acquired idiopathic laryngeal paralysis as a prominent feature of generalised neuromuscular disease in 39 dogs.. 158:17-21. 2006
- Reproducibility of a commercial in vitro allergen-specific assay for immunoglobulin E in dogs.. 157:81-85. 2005
- Behavioural analysis of the efficacy of treatments for injuries to the spinal cord in animals.. 155:225-230. 2004
- Potential treatment for canine spinal cord injury.. 153:372. 2003
- Brain malformations associated with primary adipsia identified using magnetic resonance imaging.. 152:436-438. 2003
- Dura mater laceration associated with acute paraplegia in three dogs.. 146:138-139. 2000
- Spinal cord injury in small animals 2. Current and future options for therapy.. 145:183-190. 1999
- Spinal cord injury in small animals. 1. Mechanisms of spontaneous recovery.. 144:407-413. 1999
- Sex preselection in cattle: a field trial.. 136:495-496. 1995
- Canine leishmaniasis.. 132:396-396. 1993
- Production of bovine calves following separation of X- and Y-chromosome bearing sperm and in vitro fertilisation.. 132:40-41. 1993
- Electron microscopy and pedigree study in an Ayrshire bull with tail-stump sperm defects.. 130:578-579. 1992
- Serological relationship between Cowdria ruminantium and certain ehrlichia.. 119:458-459. 1986
- The microplate agglutination test: a simple technique to assist in the differentiation of bovine brucellosis and yersiniosis.. 106:403-405. 1980
- Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin and Clostridium difficile toxin A/B do not play a role in acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome in dogs. 2015