publication venue for
- Wisdom Up in Flames. 86:102-105. 2024
- David A. Baldwin : Power and International Relations: A Conceptual Approach. (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016. Pp. ix, 223.). 79:743-745. 2017
- Review: Ockham and Political Discourse in the Late Middle Ages, Takashi Shogimen. 70:643-645. 2008
- Community and Self-Interest: Marsiglio of Padua on Civil Life and Private Advantage. 65:395-416. 2003
- The Common Good in Late Medieval Political Thought, M. S. Kempshall. 62:610-613. 2000
- Property and Protest: Political Theory and Subjective Rights in Fourteenth-Century England. 58:323-344. 1996
- Political Thought in Europe 1250-1450, Antony Black; Ideal Government and the Mixed Constitution in the Middle Ages, James M. Blythe; Lordship, Kingship, and Empire: The Idea of Monarchy 1400-1525, J. H. Burns. 56:174-180. 1994
- The Puzzle of the Political Animal: Nature and Artifice in Aristotle's Political Theory. 56:283-304. 1994
- Rediscovering the Political Thought of William Durant the Younger. 54:699-701. 1992
- A Duty to Kill: John of Salisbury's Theory of Tyrannicide. 50:365-389. 1988
- A Duty to Kill: John of Salisbury's Theory of Tyrannicide. 50:365-389. 1988
- The Making of a Native Marxist: The Early Career of Earl Browder. 39:332-362. 1977