publication venue for
- Effect of next-step antidepressant treatment on suicidal ideation: findings from the VAST-D trial.. 1-12. 2023
- Psychological trauma and the genetic overlap between posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder.. 52:1-10. 2021
- Timing dysfunction and cerebellar resting state functional connectivity abnormalities in youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis.. 51:1289-1298. 2021
- Buprenorphine: prospective novel therapy for depression and PTSD.. 50:881-893. 2020
- Polygenic risk for severe psychopathology among Europeans is associated with major depressive disorder in Han Chinese women.. 48:777-789. 2018
- Letter to the Editor: Sources of bias and need for caution in interpreting the results of Spoth et al.'s (2017) PROSPER study.. 48:694-696. 2018
- Effects of depression, metabolic syndrome, and cardiorespiratory fitness on mortality: results from the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study.. 47:2414-2420. 2017
- Relating DSM-5 section III personality traits to section II personality disorder diagnoses.. 46:647-655. 2016
- Updating the research domain criteria: the utility of a motor dimension.. 45:2685-2689. 2015
- The structure of genetic and environmental risk factors for fears and phobias.. 44:2375-2384. 2014
- Does exercise improve self-reported sleep quality in non-remitted major depressive disorder?. 43:699-709. 2013
- Pharmacogenomic study of side-effects for antidepressant treatment options in STAR*D.. 42:1151-1162. 2012
- The association of personality disorders with the prospective 7-year course of anxiety disorders.. 41:1019-1028. 2011
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Lifespan: An Integrative Approach.. 40:700-701. 2010
- Comparison of alternative models for personality disorders.. 37:983-994. 2007
- The impact of generalized anxiety disorder and stressful life events on risk for major depressive episodes.. 36:789-795. 2006
- The effects of anxiety, substance use and conduct disorders on risk of major depressive disorder.. 33:1423-1432. 2003
- Cognition following acute tryptophan depletion: difference between first-degree relatives of bipolar disorder patients and matched healthy control volunteers.. 32:503-515.
- Is antisocial personality disorder continuous or categorical? A taxometric analysis.. 36:1571-1581.
- Mood congruent memory bias induced by tryptophan depletion.. 32:167-172.
- Stability of functional impairment in patients with schizotypal, borderline, avoidant, or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder over two years. 2005