publication venue for
- A comparative evaluation of northern and southern Ixodes scapularis questing height and hiding behaviour in the USA.. 147:1569-1576. 2020
- Plasmodium prevalence across avian host species is positively associated with exposure to mosquito vectors.. 142:1612-1620. 2015
- Analysis of the ITS region and partial ssu and lsu rRNA genes of Blastocystis and Proteromonas lacertae.. 131:187-196. 2005
- Characterization of a cytosolic aminopeptidase from Encephalitozoon intestinalis.. 124:1-7. 2002
- Isolation and characterization of an avian isolate of Encephalitozoon hellem.. 121 ( Pt 1):9-14. 2000
- Ribosomal DNA sequences in the differentiation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic isolates of Entamoeba histolytica.. 104 ( Pt 2):239-246. 1992
- A comparison between mitochondrial DNA and the ribosomal internal transcribed regions in prospecting for cryptic species of platyhelminth parasites.. 131:839-846.
- Cryptic Onchocerca species infecting North American cervids, with implications for the evolutionary history of host associations in Onchocerca.. 140:1201-1210.
- Diversity and distribution of avian haemosporidians in sub-Saharan Africa: an inter-regional biogeographic overview.. 144:394-402.
- Haemosporida prevalence and diversity are similar in endangered wild whooping cranes (Grus americana) and sympatric sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis).. 144:629-640.
- Rodents of Senegal and their role as intermediate hosts of Hydatigera spp. (Cestoda: Taeniidae).. 146:299-304.
- Testing local-scale panmixia provides insights into the cryptic ecology, evolution, and epidemiology of metazoan animal parasites.. 139:981-997.