publication venue for
- A New Multilevel CART Algorithm for Multilevel Data with Binary Outcomes.. 54:578-592. 2019
- An Information Theoretic Approach for Identifying Shared Information and Asymmetric Relationships Among Variables.. 25:479-502. 1990
- A Comparison of Cluster Analysis Techniques Withing a Sequential Validation Framework.. 18:309-329. 1983
- Detecting Misspecified Multilevel Structural Equation Models with Common Fit Indices: AMonte Carlo Study.. 50:197-215.
- Estimating Standardized Effect Sizes for Two- and Three-Level Partially Nested Data.. 51:740-756.
- The Impacts of Ignoring a Crossed Factor in Analyzing Cross-Classified Data.. 44:182-212.
- The impact of misspecifying the within-subject covariance structure in multiwave longitudinal multilevel models: a Monte Carlo study. 42:557-592.