publication venue for
- Elementary preservice teachers' pedagogical decisions about socioscientific issues instruction 2024
- The effectiveness of an integrated STEM curriculum unit on middle school students' life science learning. 59:1204-1234. 2022
- Students' environmental NOS views, compassion, intent, and action: Impact of placebased socioscientific issues instruction. 55:600-638. 2018
- Learning Science through Research Apprenticeships: A Critical Review of the Literature. 47:235-256. 2010
- A meta-analysis of national research: Effects of teaching strategies on student achievement in science in the United States. 44:1436-1460. 2007
- Science education for rural Latino/a students: Course placement and success in science. 42:376-402. 2005
- Interventions supporting baccalaureate achievement of Latinx STEM students matriculating at 2-year institutions: A systematic review. 56:440-464.
- It's not just a science thing: Educating future STEM professionals through mis/disinformation responsive instruction
- Cross-time attitudes, concept formation, and achievement in college freshman physics 2000