publication venue for
- The interactive effects of AS and trauma exposure on suicide capability and suicide risk.. 167:100-107. 2023
- Characterizing patterns of substance use in trauma exposed youth.. 167:1-9. 2023
- Reduced working memory performance in PTSD and suicide among veterans presenting for treatment.. 156:299-307. 2022
- Toward an integrative model of transdiagnostic risk factors and suicide: A network comparison of psychiatric outpatients.. 154:252-260. 2022
- Heterogeneity in patterns of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and sleep disturbances among firefighters: Latent profile analyses.. 153:64-72. 2022
- Neural correlates of posttraumatic anhedonia symptoms: Decreased functional connectivity between ventral pallidum and default mode network regions.. 140:30-34. 2021
- PTSD symptoms among trauma-exposed adults admitted to inpatient psychiatry for suicide-related concerns.. 133:60-66. 2021
- Distress intolerance mediates attentional control on posttraumatic stress symptoms: Evidence from two clinical samples.. 130:447-454. 2020
- Postconcussive symptoms (PCS) following combat-related traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Influence of TBI, PTSD, and depression on symptoms measured by the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).. 102:8-13. 2018
- Latent profile analyses of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and generalized anxiety disorder symptoms in trauma-exposed soldiers.. 68:19-26. 2015
- Anxiety sensitivity as a mechanism for gender discrepancies in anxiety and mood symptoms.. 62:101-107. 2015
- Self-rated measure of pain frequency, intensity, and burden: psychometric properties of a new instrument for the assessment of pain.. 59:155-160. 2014
- Characterization of depression in prodromal Huntington disease in the neurobiological predictors of HD (PREDICT-HD) study.. 47:1423-1431. 2013
- Effects of serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor on exercise augmentation treatment of depression.. 45:1301-1306. 2011
- Social appraisal in chronic psychosis: role of medial frontal and occipital networks.. 45:526-538. 2011
- The association of 5-HTTLPR genotype and depressive symptoms is moderated by physical activity.. 45:185-189. 2011
- The construct validity of rule-breaking and aggression in an adult clinical sample.. 43:803-808. 2009
- Psychopharmacological treatment in PTSD: a critical review.. 36:355-367. 2002
- Medial frontal cortex involvement in PTSD symptoms: a SPECT study.. 33:259-264. 1999
- Psychometric properties of the GAD-7 and PROMIS-Anxiety-4a among youth with depression and suicidality: Results from the Texas youth depression and suicide research network.. 170:237-244.
- The association between PTSD symptom clusters and religion/spirituality with alcohol use among first responders.. 176:304-310.