publication venue for
- Differential expression of T-type calcium channels in P/Q-type calcium channel mutant mice with ataxia and absence epilepsy.. 62:352-360. 2005
- Decreased calretinin expression in cerebellar granule cells in the leaner mouse.. 51:313-322. 2002
- Developmental and hormonal regulation of NR2A mRNA in forebrain regions controlling avian vocal learning.. 51:149-159. 2002
- Alcohol exposure during the first two trimesters equivalent alters granule cell number and neurotrophin expression in the developing rat olfactory bulb.. 41:414-423. 1999
- Establishment and characterization of adenoviral E1A immortalized cell lines derived from the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.. 39:1-13. 1999
- Expression of alpha2A adrenoceptors during rat neocortical development.. 38:259-269. 1999
- Glial-derived neurotrophic factor rescues calbindin-D28k-immunoreactive neurons in alcohol-treated cerebellar explant cultures.. 33:835-847. 1997
- Mutation of the central nervous system neuroblast proliferation repressor ana leads to defects in larval olfactory behavior. 33:199-211. 1997
- Nerve growth factor (NGF) regulation of estrogen receptors in explant cultures of the developing forebrain.. 31:77-87. 1996
- Reciprocal regulation of estrogen and NGF receptors by their ligands in PC12 cells.. 25:974-988. 1994
- Enhancer detector analysis of the extent of genomic involvement in nervous system development in Drosophila melanogaster.. 24:824-841. 1993
- Mapping the early development of projections from the entorhinal cortex in the embryonic mouse using prenatal surgery techniques.. 22:897-906. 1991
- Postmetamorphic development of neuromuscular junctions and muscle fibers in the frog cutaneous pectoris.. 22:15-28. 1991
- Development of utricular otoliths, but not saccular otoliths, is necessary for vestibular function and survival in zebrafish.. 43:329-337.
- In vitro survival and differentiation of neurons derived from epidermal growth factor-responsive postnatal hippocampal stem cells: inducing effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.. 35:395-425.
- Neurite outgrowth from progeny of epidermal growth factor-responsive hippocampal stem cells is significantly less robust than from fetal hippocampal cells following grafting onto organotypic hippocampal slice cultures: effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor.. 38:391-413.