publication venue for
- No Evidence of Creative Benefit Accompanying Dyslexia: A Meta-Analysis.. 55:242-253. 2022
- English Spelling Performance in Writing Samples Among Spanish-Speaking ELLs.. 55:114-122. 2022
- International Perspectives on Spelling and Writing in Different Orthographies: Introduction to the Special Series.. 55:83-86. 2022
- Using Spelling Error Analyses to Examine Individual Differences in German Students From Diverse Linguistic Backgrounds: A Latent Class Approach.. 55:123-137. 2022
- Genetic and Environmental Influences on Achievement Outcomes Based on Family History of Learning Disabilities Status.. 52:135-145. 2019
- Investigating the Asymmetrical Roles of Syllabic and Phonemic Awareness in Akshara Processing.. 51:499-506. 2018
- Models of Reading in Different Orthographies: An Introduction.. 51:419-421. 2018
- Advancing Stage 2 Research on Measures for Monitoring Kindergarten Reading Progress.. 51:85-104. 2018
- Predictive Validity of Curriculum-Embedded Measures on Outcomes of Kindergarteners Identified as At Risk for Reading Difficulty.. 50:712-723. 2017
- Symptom Manifestation and Impairments in College Students With ADHD.. 49:616-630. 2016
- Examining the effects of linking student performance and progression in a tier 2 kindergarten reading intervention.. 48:255-270. 2015
- The effects and interactions of student, teacher, and setting variables on reading outcomes for kindergartners receiving supplemental reading intervention.. 46:260-277. 2013
- Cognitive component of componential model of reading applied to different orthographies.. 45:480-486. 2012
- Indexing response to intervention: a longitudinal study of reading risk from kindergarten through third grade.. 41:158-173. 2008
- Diagnosis and treatment of reading disabilities based on the component model of reading: an alternative to the discrepancy model of LD.. 41:67-84. 2008
- Separating genuine cases of reading disability from reading deficits caused by predominantly inattentive ADHD behavior.. 35:425-447. 2002
- A comparison of multiple methods for the identification of children with reading disabilities.. 35:234-244. 2002
- Learning disabilities in Costa Rica: challenges for an "army of teachers".. 30:566-571. 1997
- Validity of the Auditory Continuous Performance Test in differentiating central processing auditory disorders with and without ADHD.. 29:561-566. 1996