publication venue for
- Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy enables confirmatory detection of dyes on hair submerged in hypolimnion water for up to twelve weeks. 2023
- Elucidation of the effect of heat exposure on hair colored by permanent and semipermanent colorants using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.. 68:807-814. 2023
- Rodent scavenging of pig remains potentially increases oviposition sites for primary colonizers.. 67:1728-1733. 2022
- Soil chemistry dynamics of Sus scrofa carcasses with and without delayed Diptera colonization.. 66:947-959. 2021
- Estimating postmortem interval for human cadavers in a sub-tropical climate using UV-Vis-near-infrared Spectroscopy.. 66:190-201. 2021
- Cuticular hydrocarbons as a tool for determining the age of Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae.. 66:236-244. 2021
- Detection of Inflicted Bruises by Alternate Light: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial.. 65:1191-1198. 2020
- An Evaluation of Differentially Spliced Genes as Markers of Sex for Forensic Entomology,. 65:1579-1587. 2020
- Fluorescence Imaging of Posterior Spiracles from Second and Third Instars of Forensically Important Chrysomya rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae).. 61:1578-1587. 2016
- The Effects of Soil Texture on the Ability of Human Remains Detection Dogs to Detect Buried Human Remains.. 61:649-655. 2016
- Gene expression during blow fly development: improving the precision of age estimates in forensic entomology.. 56 Suppl 1:S112-S122. 2011
- Computer-aided dental identification: an objective method for assessment of radiographic image similarity.. 54:177-184. 2009
- Generalized additive models and Lucilia sericata growth: assessing confidence intervals and error rates in forensic entomology.. 53:942-948. 2008
- Aging blow fly eggs using gene expression: a feasibility study.. 52:1350-1354. 2007
- Conditioned Microplitis croceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) detect and respond to 2,4-DNT: development of a biological sensor.. 50:1187-1190. 2005
- Black soldier fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) colonization of pig carrion in south Georgia.. 50:152-153. 2005
- Midsagittal facial tissue thicknesses of children and adolescents from the Montreal growth study.. 46:1294-1302. 2001
- A nondestructive technique for the sex identification of third instar Cochliomyia macellaria larvae.
- Authors' response.. 69:2342-2343.
- Forensic applications of light-element stable isotope ratios of Ricinus communis seeds and ricin preparations.. 58 Suppl 1:S43-S51.
- Medicolegal death investigator workplace safety hazards: A scoping review of the literature.. 67:44-55.
- Palate Shape and Depth: A Shape-Matching and Machine Learning Method for Estimating Ancestry from Human Skeletal Remains.. 60:1129-1134.
- The stable isotope ratios of marijuana. II. Strontium isotopes relate to geographic origin.. 54:1261-1269.
- Stable isotope ratios of marijuana. I. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes describe growth conditions.