publication venue for
- Accommodations for disabilities in dental education: A focus on technical standards and clinical skills.. 88:468-471. 2024
- Three-dimensional software adapted to evaluate endodontic access cavity preparation. 2023
- Characteristics of students in International Dentist Training Programs versus applicants who are not yet successful in matriculating.. 86:1113-1123. 2022
- Letter to the Editor Response. 85:1819-1820. 2021
- Untitled 2021
- Coaching that helps International Dentists successfully matriculate into Advanced Standing programs in the US.. 85 Suppl 3:1992-1993. 2021
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion interventions to support admissions have had little benefit to Black students over past 20 years.. 85:448-455. 2021
- Real-time measurement for effectiveness of novel educational endeavors during the COVID-19 pandemic.. 85:1020-1021. 2020
- Impact of HPV Immunization Training on Dental Hygiene Students' Attitudes and Confidence Regarding HPV Preventive Education.. 84:88-93. 2020
- Creating a Supportive Educational Research Culture at a Dental School by Identifying Obstacles and Solutions.. 83:265-274. 2019
- Practice Location Characteristics of NonāTraditional Dental Practices. 80:403-407. 2016
- Return on Investment in Dental Education: Is It Worth It?. 79:615-615. 2015
- Underrepresented minority students' experiences at Baylor College of Dentistry: perceptions of cultural climate and reasons for choosing to attend.. 78:411-422. 2014
- Attitudes towards students who plagiarize: a dental hygiene faculty perspective.. 78:131-145. 2014
- A tool for assessing cultural competence training in dental education.. 77:990-997. 2013
- ADEA president's address.. 77:824-826. 2013
- Preparing dental students to treat patients with special needs: changes in predoctoral education after the revised accreditation standard.. 76:1457-1465. 2012
- ADEA President-Elect's address.. 76:824-826. 2012
- The ethics of live patient use in dental hygiene clinical licensure examinations: a national survey.. 76:667-681. 2012
- Achieving student diversity in dental schools: a model that works.. 76:523-533. 2012
- Does a case completion curriculum influence dental students' clinical productivity?. 76:602-608. 2012
- Creating an evidence-based dentistry culture at Baylor College of Dentistry: the winds of change.. 75:279-290. 2011
- The nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among dental and dental hygiene students.. 75:365-376. 2011
- A case completion curriculum for clinical dental education: replacing numerical requirements with patient-based comprehensive care.. 75:1411-1416. 2011
- Application of basic science to clinical problems: traditional vs. hybrid problem-based learning.. 74:1113-1124. 2010
- A faculty group practice-driven credentialing and privileging infrastructure in a school of dental medicine.. 74:417-422. 2010
- Integrating leadership into a practice management curriculum for dental students.. 74:464-471. 2010
- E-teaching and learning preferences of dental and dental hygiene students.. 74:65-78. 2010
- What victims of domestic violence need from the dental profession.. 73:490-498. 2009
- Designing an orientation program for new faculty.. 72:1531-1543. 2008
- Is dentistry at risk? A case for interprofessional education.. 72:1231-1237. 2008
- The prevalence of academic dishonesty in Texas dental hygiene programs.. 72:1247-1260. 2008
- Does Faculty Development Enhance Teaching Effectiveness?. 71:1513-1533. 2007
- Faculty and student perceptions of academic integrity at U.S. and Canadian dental schools.. 71:1027-1039. 2007
- The dental education environment.. 70:1265-1270. 2006
- Educational strategies associated with development of problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-directed learning.. 70:925-936. 2006
- The case for change in dental education.. 70:921-924. 2006
- Use of computer technology to modify objective structured clinical examinations.. 69:1133-1136. 2005
- Enrichment and recruitment programs at dental schools: impact on enrollment of underrepresented minority students.. 68:542-552. 2004
- A Multimedia Patient Simulation for Teaching and Assessing Endodontic Diagnosis. 67:669-677. 2003
- Distance education in the U.S. and Canadian undergraduate dental curriculum.. 67:427-438. 2003
- Using OSCE-based evaluation: curricular impact over time.. 66:1323-1330. 2002
- How well prepared are Texas dental hygienists to recognize and report elderly abuse?. 66:1274-1280. 2002
- Case I: Managing people--the case of the frustrated faculty member.. 66:520-525. 2002
- Purposeful assessment techniques (PAT) applied to an OSCE-based measurement of competencies in a pediatric dentistry curriculum.. 65:1232-1237. 2001
- The perception of surrogate teaching patients with HIV disease of dental providers' fear and comfort. 64:597-602. 2000
- Developing a competency-based curriculum for a dental hygiene program.. 63:793-804. 1999
- Lessons learned from the competency-based curriculum initiative at Baylor College of Dentistry.. 62:197-207. 1998
- Program assessment practices in dental hygiene education.. 59:1041-1046. 1995
- A review of methods used to project the future supply of dental personnel and the future demand and need for dental services.. 59:237-257. 1995
- Factors that affect patient attitudes toward infection control measures. 55:717-723. 1991
- Effectiveness of a national board review course for dental students.. 53:476-479. 1989
- Will oral and maxillofacial surgeons need a medical degree in the future?. 53:132-134. 1989