publication venue for
- Where you live matters: Visualizing environmental effects on reading attainment. 1-15. 2023
- Editorial Perspective: Reducing mental health disparities among underserved youth: using technology to equip parents as agents of change.. 64:480-483. 2023
- Heritability, stability, and prevalence of tonic and phasic irritability as indicators of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.. 60:1032-1041. 2019
- Genetic underpinnings of callous-unemotional traits and emotion recognition in children, adolescents, and emerging adults.. 60:638-645. 2019
- Anxiety symptoms and children's eye gaze during fear learning.. 58:1276-1286. 2017
- Who is afraid of math? Two sources of genetic variance for mathematical anxiety.. 55:1056-1064. 2014
- Annual research review: The neurobehavioral development of multiple memory systems--implications for childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorders.. 55:582-610. 2014
- The impact of peer victimization on later maladjustment: mediating and moderating effects of hostile and self-blaming attributions.. 54:46-55. 2013
- Maternal executive function, harsh parenting, and child conduct problems.. 53:1084-1091. 2012
- The genetic etiology of inhibitory control and behavior problems at 24 months of age.. 52:1155-1163. 2011
- Neural activation to emotional faces in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.. 52:296-305. 2011
- Pilot study of response inhibition and error processing in the posterior medial prefrontal cortex in healthy youth.. 49:986-994. 2008
- The self-systems of aggressive children: a cluster-analytic investigation.. 40:441-453. 1999
- Family functioning predictors of adjustment in children with newly diagnosed cancer: a prospective analysis.. 37:321-328. 1996
- Early classroom reading gains moderate shared environmental influences on reading comprehension in adolescence.. 61:689-698.
- Executive function in children with externalizing and comorbid internalizing behavior problems.. 57:30-38.
- Where you live matters: visualizing environmental effects on reading attainment.. 65:798-808.