publication venue for
- Mitochondrial phospholipid metabolism in health and disease.. 136:jcs260857. 2023
- Nuclear translocation of the tagged endogenous MAPK MPK-1 denotes a subset of activation events in C. elegans development.. 134:jcs258456. 2021
- Bexarotene - a novel modulator of AURKA and the primary cilium in VHL-deficient cells.. 131:jcs219923. 2018
- BMSCs ameliorate septic coagulopathy by suppressing inflammation in cecal ligation and puncture-induced sepsis.. 131:jcs211151. 2018
- Plant cell surface receptor-mediated signaling - a common theme amid diversity.. 131:jcs209353. 2018
- Extracellular polyphosphate signals through Ras and Akt to prime Dictyostelium discoideum cells for development.. 130:2394-2404. 2017
- IFT57 stabilizes the assembled intraflagellar transport complex and mediates transport of motility-related flagellar cargo.. 130:879-891. 2017
- Hic-5 mediates the initiation of endothelial sprouting by regulating a key surface metalloproteinase.. 129:743-756. 2016
- Activin A inhibits RANKL-mediated osteoclast formation, movement and function in murine bone marrow macrophage cultures.. 128:683-694. 2015
- Polarized Rac-dependent protrusions drive epithelial intercalation in the embryonic epidermis of C. elegans. 128:e1.1-e1.1. 2015
- Frs2 and Shp2 signal independently of Gab to mediate FGF signaling in lens development.. 127:571-582. 2014
- Nck enables directional cell migration through the coordination of polarized membrane protrusion with adhesion dynamics.. 126:1637-1649. 2013
- Delineating the core regulatory elements crucial for directed cell migration by examining folic-acid-mediated responses.. 126:221-233. 2013
- Characterization of dynamic actin associations with T-cell receptor microclusters in primary T cells.. 125:735-742. 2012
- The desmin coil 1B mutation K190A impairs nebulin Z-disc assembly and destabilizes actin thin filaments.. 124:3464-3476. 2011
- A crucial role in cell spreading for the interaction of Abl PxxP motifs with Crk and Nck adaptors.. 121:3071-3082. 2008
- The secreted Dictyostelium protein CfaD is a chalone.. 121:2473-2480. 2008
- Arabidopsis SMG7 protein is required for exit from meiosis.. 121:2208-2216. 2008
- The secreted Dictyostelium protein CfaD is a chalone. 121:2782-2782. 2008
- Sumoylation dynamics during keratinocyte differentiation.. 120:125-136. 2007
- Circadian oscillators of Drosophila and mammals.. 119:4793-4795. 2006
- MMP-1 activation by serine proteases and MMP-10 induces human capillary tubular network collapse and regression in 3D collagen matrices.. 118:2325-2340. 2005
- Central and peripheral circadian oscillator mechanisms in flies and mammals.. 115:3369-3377. 2002
- The Cdc42 and Rac1 GTPases are required for capillary lumen formation in three-dimensional extracellular matrices. 115:1123-1136. 2002
- The Cdc42 and Rac1 GTPases are required for capillary lumen formation in three-dimensional extracellular matrices.. 115:1123-1136. 2002
- ABC transporters required for endocytosis and endosomal pH regulation in Dictyostelium.. 114:3923-3932. 2001
- Differential gene expression during capillary morphogenesis in 3D collagen matrices: regulated expression of genes involved in basement membrane matrix assembly, cell cycle progression, cellular differentiation and G-protein signaling.. 114:2755-2773. 2001
- Matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -9 activation by plasmin regulates a novel endothelial cell-mediated mechanism of collagen gel contraction and capillary tube regression in three-dimensional collagen matrices.. 114:917-930. 2001
- Evidence for the coincident initiation of homolog pairing and synapsis during the telomere-clustering (bouquet) stage of meiotic prophase. 113:1033-1042. 2000
- The conjusome: a novel structure in Tetrahymena found only during sexual reorganization.. 112 ( Pt 7):1003-1011. 1999
- Osteopontin is a ligand for the alpha4beta1 integrin.. 111 ( Pt 9):1165-1174. 1998
- Reduced expression of tissue transglutaminase in a human endothelial cell line leads to changes in cell spreading, cell adhesion and reduced polymerisation of fibronectin.. 110 ( Pt 19):2461-2472. 1997
- Syndet is a novel SNAP-25 related protein expressed in many tissues.. 110 ( Pt 4):505-513. 1997
- Mitochondrial associations with specific microtubular components of the cortex of Tetrahymena thermophila. II. Response of the mitochondrial pattern to changes in the microtubule pattern.. 42:247-260. 1980
- The effective site of the lesion resulting from a trichocyst non-discharge stable differentiation of somatic nuclei in Paramecium tetraurelia.. 39:313-317. 1979
- Mitochondrial associations with specific microtubular components of the cortex of Tetrahymena thermophila. I. Cortical patterning of mitochondria.. 39:299-312. 1979
- Genetic aspects of intracellular motility: cortical localization and insertion of trichocysts in Paramecium tetraurelia.. 31:259-273. 1978
- Adenovirus-Cre-mediated recombination in mammary epithelial early progenitor cells.. 114:3147-3153.
- Estrogen-receptor- exchange and chromatin dynamics are ligand- and domain-dependent. 119:4365-4365.
- Intracellular distribution of beta-actin mRNA is polarized in embryonic corneal epithelia.. 107 ( Pt 1):105-115.
- Intracellular localization of types I and II collagen mRNA and endoplasmic reticulum in embryonic corneal epithelia.. 100 ( Pt 1):23-33.
- Mechanics of nuclear membranes.. 132:jcs229245.
- TIMP3: a physiological regulator of adult myogenesis.. 123:2914-2921.
- The nucleus is an intracellular propagator of tensile forces in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts.. 128:1901-1911.