publication venue for
- Influence of morphology on electrochemical and capacity performance of open-porous structured electrodes. 50:231-244. 2020
- Ionic liquid treated carbon nanotube sponge as high areal capacity cathode for lithium sulfur batteries. 48:487-494. 2018
- Hierarchical structured nickel-copper hybrids via simple electrodeposition. 48:275-286. 2018
- The influence of electrolyte composition on electrochemical ferrate(VI) synthesis. Part I: anodic dissolution kinetics of pure iron. 40:1019-1028. 2010
- Heterogeneous photocatalytic reduction of Fe(VI) in UV-irradiated titania suspensions: effect of ammonia. 35:775-781. 2005
- Investigation of the MetalOxide Buried Interfacial Zone with Linear Sweep Voltammetry. 34:919-927. 2004
- Anodic dissolution of rapidly quenched amorphous Ni81P19 alloys of different initial melt temperatures. 26:403-411. 1996
- Co-axial fibrous silicon asymmetric membranes for high-capacity lithium-ion battery anode. 49:1013-1025.