publication venue for
- Natural selection is not related to reduced body size in a rural subsistence agricultural community in southern Mexico.. 61:287-296. 1989
- Multivariate patterns of variation in dental arch morphology of French-Canadians.. 59:911-920. 1987
- Sibling similarities in the strength and motor performance of undernourished school children.. 58:945-953. 1986
- Growth, strength and motor performance of Zapotec children, Oaxaca, Mexico.. 57:163-181. 1985
- Growth in height and weight of mild-to-moderately undernourished Zapotec school children.. 55:587-597. 1983
- Childhood growth status of eventual migrants and sedentes in a rural zapotec community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico.. 54:709-716. 1982
- Age changes in skinfold thickness among upper class school children of differing ethnic backgrounds residing in Guatemala.. 47:251-262. 1975