publication venue for
- Genome-wide association mapping for grain manganese in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using a multi-experiment approach.. 126:505-520. 2021
- Inheritance, distribution and genetic differentiation of a color polymorphism in Panamanian populations of the tortoise beetle, Chelymorpha alternans (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).. 122:558-569. 2019
- Hallauer's Tusn: a decade of selection for tropical-to-temperate phenological adaptation in maize.. 114:229-240. 2015
- Genetic variation in the Yolk protein expression network of Drosophila melanogaster: sex-biased negative correlations with longevity.. 109:226-234. 2012
- Targeted resequencing of a genomic region influencing tameness and aggression reveals multiple signals of positive selection.. 107:205-214. 2011
- Are dogs genetically special?. 106:712-713. 2011
- Genome size diversity in the family Drosophilidae.. 101:228-238. 2008
- First-generation linkage map of the warningly colored butterfly Heliconius erato.. 94:408-417. 2005
- The breeding system and population structure of the termite Reticulitermes grassei in Southwestern France.. 95:408-415. 2005
- Overdominant lethals as part of the conifer embryo lethal system.. 91:584-592. 2003
- Confirmed quantitative trait loci for fatness and growth on pig chromosome 4. 82:134-141. 2001
- Confirmed quantitative trait loci for fatness and growth on pig chromosome 4.. 82 ( Pt 2):134-141. 1999
- Lack of correspondence between genetic and morphologic variability patterns in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). 53:687-704. 1984
- Male killing Spiroplasma protects Drosophila melanogaster against two parasitoid wasps.. 112:399-408.
- Population genetics and independently replicated evolution of predator-associated burst speed ecophenotypy in mosquitofish.. 128:45-55.
- Population structure and inbreeding in wild house mice (Mus musculus) at different geographic scales.. 129:183-194.
- Why not Y naught.. 129:75-78.