publication venue for
- Activating uncertainty: Scientific evidence and environmental values in wildlife management. 151:103999-103999. 2024
- Territory and authority of water fund payments for ecosystem services in Ecuador's Andes. 91:10-20. 2018
- Performative justice: New directions in environmental and social justice. 76:176-180. 2016
- Immobility and the re-imaginings of ethnic identity among Mongolian Kazakhs in the 21st century. 59:119-128. 2015
- Measuring 'no-win' waterscapes: Experience-based scales and classification approaches to assess household water security in colonias on the US-Mexico border. 51:107-120. 2014
- Amenity migration to the global south: Implications for community development. 49:91-102. 2013
- Hybrid drinking water governance: Community participation and ongoing neoliberal reforms in rural Rajasthan, India. 43:623-633. 2012
- Traditional women, modern water: Linking gender and commodification in Rajasthan, India. 37:958-972. 2006
- Zambia in maps Davies, D. Hywell, ed. (1971): 128 pp., tables, maps. London: University of London Press. 2.00. 4:110-111. 1973
- "We Don't Take the Pledge": Environmentality and environmental skepticism at the epicenter of US wind energy development. 43:851-863.
- Environmental policy reform on north-eastern Brazil's agricultural frontier. 36:257-271.